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Overviews of Program Streams

To achieve its Vision and Mission, ADWLE undertakes a variety of activities at several different levels. Please click on the image below for a visual summary.

Education and training

At the village level, ADWLE begins by raising the community’s awareness of gender, equality, CEDAW, laws related to women, gender-based violence and human trafficking. More detailed training and ongoing support is provided to Village Authorities and Village Mediation Committees (VMCs) so they can improve their own practices and continue to reinforce the messages to the community.

ADWLE has worked closely with 15 target villages in Xaythany District, Vientiane Capital; 5 target villages in Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital; and 5 target villages in Khong District, Champassak Province.

Recognising the importance of sensitising the future workforce and leaders to the issues, ADWLE works with the National University of Laos and Champassak University to mainstream gender into the curriculum and foster active student participation.

Empowering women to access justice

ADWLE operates two legal aid clinics that provide free consultation and legal representation in cases of GBV, sexual harassment, divorce and other family conflicts.

In the target villages, ADWLE has trained up a network of volunteer paralegals to act as frontline advisors and support persons to villagers, and be a bridge between the villagers and the legal aid clinics.

In line with the CEDAW Committee’s Concluding Observations for Lao PDR, ADWLE devotes significant time and effort on capacity-building of VMCs in order for them to better understand and apply the laws, and conduct conflict resolutions in a gender-sensitive manner

Advocate change

As a leading organisation in this field, ADWLE is regularly invited to participate in networks, conferences and consultations with civil society, INGOs, Government bodies and regional networks. Through these platforms, ADWLE has been able to make numerous recommendations on national laws and policy.

ADWLE has conducted several research projects, the findings of which have been used to identify areas for improvement or change at a national level as well as ADWLE’s own project interventions.