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ADWLE Director Delivers the Guest Speech at the Annual Australian Alumni Function

ADWLE Director, Inthana Bouphasavanh, was invited to deliver the guest speech to over 300 alumni at the Annual Australian Alumni Function on 10 March 2016.

Inthana received the Australia Awards Scholarship in 1994 where she did a Masters of Arts in TESOL at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia, between 1994 and 1996.

Her story was the feature article of Issue No 3 of the Laos Australia Institute Newsletter.

“I am very excited and proud to have received the Australian Scholarship which gave me a chance to develop myself professionally and personally and inspired me to work for women’s rights,” said Inthana.

The theme this year was “Australia and Laos: Building Bridges to a Brighter Future”; this was reflected in the diverse alumni members who attended working in a variety of sectors, including civil society, Government and businesses.

The Australia Awards are funded by the Australian Government and aim to provide educational and development opportunities to successful applicants as well as to continue to strengthen ties between Laos and Australia.

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