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Current and Past Projects

1. “Strengthening the Rights of Women and Encouraging their Participation in Civil Society (Phase II)”

Donor: Bread for the World

Project period: 2018 – 2020

Target group: 4 villages in Xaythany District, Vientiane Capital

Main activities: raise awareness to villages on gender equality, laws related to women, anti-violence against women; training to Village Mediation Committees, Faculty of Law and Political Science (NUOL) and other authorities on laws related to women and gender-sensitive legal practice

2. “Women’s Voices”

Donor: EU  Project lead: Helvetas

Project period: 2018 – 2020

Target group: Phongsaly District in Phongsaly province, Pek District in Xiengkhouang Province, Bolikun District in Bolikhamxay province.

Main activities: Training to VMCs on CEDAW and women’s rights including the GBV law and related legislation; raise awareness to villages on CEDAW, gender equality, GBV, women’s rights and access to legal aid; feasibility study on establishing Legal Aid Clinics in 3 new provinces; training to government officials on women’s rights, gender equality, implementing and reporting CEDAW, and the GBV Law and related legislation

3. “New innovations for strengthening access to justice for vulnerable women in Lao PDR”

Donor: Voice

Project period: 2018 – 2020

Target group: 9 target villages in Xaythany District; 5 target villages in Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital

Main activities: Gender Action Learning Systems (GALS) training to a group of newly married couples to empower them to become gender champions; establish a second legal aid clinic called Women’s Assistance and Counselling Office

4. “Prevention of women and girls from becoming victims of human trafficking”

Donor: IRI and ILO

Project period: 2019 – 2020

Target group: Khong District, Champassak Province and Champassak University

Main activities: Raise awareness and Training-of-Trainers on human trafficking and safe migration to secondary schools, villages and Champassak University’s Faculty of Law and Political Science

5. “Continuing access to justice for victims of gender based violence in Xaythany District, Vientiane”


Project period: 2019 – 2020

Target group: 15 villages in Xaythany District, Vientiane Capital

Main activities: Continue to operate the Legal Aid Clinic for Vulnerable Women and Children in Nongsonghong Village, providing free legal aid for GBV cases and family disputes

  1. Donor: EU

Project period: 2017 – 2019

Target group: Villages in Xaythany District, Vientiane Capital

Main activities: Raise awareness to villages on GBV laws and anti-violence against women; train and establish network of paralegals in villages; operate legal aid clinic; train legal officials on GBV laws.

  1. Donors: EU, Oxfam

Project period: 2014 – 2017

Target group: Faculty of Law and Political Science at NUOL and Champassak University

Main activities: Trainings on gender, CEDAW and laws related to women for law teachers and students; gender integration into teaching; establish student group on gender and women’s rights

  1. Donors: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation; Helvetas

Project period: 2015 – 2017

Main activities: Establish Legal Aid Clinic for Vulnerable Women in Nongsonghong Village, Xaythany District to provide free legal aid on GBV and family conflicts